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LOWEPRO COMPU PRIMUS AW\n\nFoto und Text von Andreas F.X. Siegert - VIELEN DANK!\n\nKommentar:\n\nLowpro ComputPrimus AW\nLaptop bag unfolded.\nAlthough it fits a 15" screen (shown with a Thinkpad T61), the hood will obscure too much at the top for comfortable working unless you work flat on your back (beach office anyone?).


Foto und Text von Andreas F.X. Siegert - VIELEN DANK!


Lowpro ComputPrimus AW
Laptop bag unfolded.
Although it fits a 15" screen (shown with a Thinkpad T61), the hood will obscure too much at the top for comfortable working unless you work flat on your back (beach office anyone?).


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