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THINK TANK PHOTO - URBAN DISGUISE 35\n\nFoto und Kommentar von Think Tank Photo USA - VIELEN DANK - MANY THANKS!\n\nKommentar:\n\nDear Joerg,\n\nWe have just released a new addition to our Urban Disguise line of shoulder bags.  The Urban Disguise 35 lets photographers carry up to a 13.3" laptop with a standard-size DSLR or up to a 10" laptop with a Pro-size DSLR with lens attached.  As with the six other Urban Disguise sizes, this new bag is designed not to look like a camera bag so as to help photographers better disguise that they are carrying expensive photographic equipment.


Foto und Kommentar von Think Tank Photo USA - VIELEN DANK - MANY THANKS!


Dear Joerg,

We have just released a new addition to our Urban Disguise line of shoulder bags. The Urban Disguise 35 lets photographers carry up to a 13.3" laptop with a standard-size DSLR or up to a 10" laptop with a Pro-size DSLR with lens attached. As with the six other Urban Disguise sizes, this new bag is designed not to look like a camera bag so as to help photographers better disguise that they are carrying expensive photographic equipment.


Unsere Taschenfreak - Meinung:

Profis und Ambitionierte Fotografen nutzen Think Tank Photo Artikel und wissen ganz genau warum ... Diese Artikel glänzen mit durchdachten von Anwendern und Profis designten Ideen und sind von Menschen entworfen worden, die genau wissen was ein vielreisender Fotograf braucht und was nicht ... das finden Sie weder bei Lowepro, noch bei Tamrac noch bei anderen sog. großen Marken.

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