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THINK TANK PHOTO - URBAN DISGUISE 60\n\nFOTO VON ISARFOTO & THINK TANK PHOTO - VIELEN DANK!\n\nKommentar des Herstellers:\n\nHolds most 17" laptops!\n\nThis will hold more gear than you ever imagined, and a 17" laptop! (Check dimensions for exact size of the compartment). It is very similar to the Urban Disguise 30 except it is designed to hold a 17" laptop. The front compartment will hold a wide angle with a hood attached, a 24-70 2.8 with the hood, a 70 -200 2.8 with the hood reversed, AND two pro-size SLR’s in the expandable front pockets (without the lenses attached). A regular size SLR with a lens attached can also be put straight down inside of the bag. Strobes fit into the side stretch pockets, as well.



Kommentar des Herstellers:

Holds most 17" laptops!

This will hold more gear than you ever imagined, and a 17" laptop! (Check dimensions for exact size of the compartment). It is very similar to the Urban Disguise 30 except it is designed to hold a 17" laptop. The front compartment will hold a wide angle with a hood attached, a 24-70 2.8 with the hood, a 70 -200 2.8 with the hood reversed, AND two pro-size SLR’s in the expandable front pockets (without the lenses attached). A regular size SLR with a lens attached can also be put straight down inside of the bag. Strobes fit into the side stretch pockets, as well.


Unsere Taschenfreak - Meinung:

Profis und Ambitionierte Fotografen nutzen Think Tank Photo Artikel und wissen ganz genau warum ... Diese Artikel glänzen mit durchdachten von Anwendern und Profis designten Ideen und sind von Menschen entworfen worden, die genau wissen was ein vielreisender Fotograf braucht und was nicht ... das finden Sie weder bei Lowepro, noch bei Tamrac noch bei anderen sog. großen Marken.

Profis wissen warum .... "Nur noch Think Tank"

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